Can hair follicles be regenerated? To answer this question we must start by looking back a surprising fifty years! Dermatologists at the University of Pennsylvania and in London both described a phenomenon of new hair growing in skin that had been dermabraided. This procedure sometimes referred to as “sandpapering” the face for acne scars. These dermatologists were writing about these new hair follicles in the 1950s.
There are three phases of a hair’s life. The growing period, Anagen, is also the longest. Typically a head hair will grow between two to six years before it falls out. During the Catagen phase the hair goes into the transition from growth to elimination. While this stage progresses hair development halts. Within three weeks the hair goes into its final stage, Telogen. The final outcome of this phase is the removal of the hair. This cycle continually repeats itself throughout a person’s life.
Over time the follicles may begin to shrink resulting in the malfunctioning of the hair growth process. Most often the follicles themselves do not die; instead a hair similar to the vellus hair begins to be produced.
My research is exciting because it shows we may be able to wake up these dormant follicles.